What Industries Does Ringless Voicemail Cater To

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Is ringless voicemail right for your business?

Ringless voicemail technology has been proven to be highly effective for marketing, customer service, retention and loyalty campaigns. Perhaps one of the most effective in today’s environment. Is it right for your industry and business?

Here are just ten of those enjoying the application of ringless voicemail blasts.

1. Mortgage & Lending

Ringless voicemail campaigns are ideal for the finance sector. They provide a highly penetrable tool for lead generation and ongoing brand awareness. Whether it is home mortgages, commercial lending, credit cards or personal loans, ringless can reach potential and current customers when email, social, direct mail and even cold calling isn’t working well enough. It is perfect for alerting borrowers to rate drops or coming rate hikes, new loan programs and features. It is also a highly effective tool for ongoing in servicing of loans. Including payment reminders, facilitating a swift and smooth lending process, connecting during emergencies, and to help borrower re-perform again.

2. Real Estate

Real estate agents, agencies, investors, property managers and new technology startups can all leverage ringless to their advantage. It’s the perfect tool for cutting through the noise to notify prospective home buyers, sellers and renters about new listings and changes in property prices. It can then be used to effectively manage transactions, and work with tenants for maintenance and rental collection. It may prove to be one of the most useful tools at their disposal today. Especially when the internet has become so crowded and expensive to compete on, and as cold calling which used to be a high paying activity has become almost unviable.

3. Solar

Solar has also become a highly competitive industry in the past few years. A pull back in incentives has often made it harder to sell solar. While more communities are demanding new buildings include solar. Giant players like Tesla are also converging on this space, making it tougher for solar companies to compete and get property owners to take action. A voicemail is a great tool for connecting on a human level, highlighting the true advantages and gaining traction in sales.

4. Debt Collection

Most traditional methods of debt collection are becoming virtually obsolete. Debtors have more gates up to fend off undesirable communications. Shifting economic factors and hyper-mobility of debtors is also posing increasing challenges to collecting on debts. The chances of getting a live borrower on the phone with a cold call, or getting them to respond to an email are very slim today. This is all creating substantial downward pressure on profitability for debt collection companies. In turn it can show up in poor and ineffective service when reps do connect with someone live. Even someone who wants to pay their bills. While it may not seem like it on the surface, most individuals and businesses do want to resolve their debt and financial obligations. The key is those first few seconds of setting the right tone and enabling them to connect when it is convenient to them. Ringless is perfect for that.

5. Insurance

From home to auto, business to health, ringless voicemail messaging can play a powerful role in writing new policies, minimizing losses and serving existing customers. Can be used from lead generation to reward campaigns, managing claims and policy renewals.

6. Nonprofits

Nonprofits face as many challenges as for profit companies today. Ringless voicemail can be invaluable for reaching new donors and volunteers, dramatically improving follow through rates and maximum participant value, as well keeping them up to date on progress over time to encourage retention, repeat engagement, and sharing.

7. Government Agencies

The public sector has just as much to gain from this tech based messaging system. Uses include public alerts to disasters and crises as well as emergency management, plus fundraising for campaigns, increasing voter turnout, and notifying residents of important dates from income tax filing to property tax bills.

8. Auto Dealerships

Auto dealers are facing many of the challenges which other retailers and manufacturers are battling today. There is so much noise out there, and little attention. There is a lot of disruption, low loyalty levels and ongoing challenges in delivering the level of service drivers need today. Ringless can be used for everything from announcing new product and sales promotions to follow up, appointment setting, completing the sales process, organizing delivery, recall alerts, bolstering service business and ensuring repeat business ahead of lease ends and payoffs.

9. Tech Startups

From proof of concept to gaining those first 100 customers, to providing customer care, to fundraising and investor updates, ringless just might prove to be one of the most efficient and edgy mediums to gain more traction for tech based startups.

10. Health & Fitness

Health and fitness professionals and companies looking for an edge to differentiate, operate on better margins, and gain an advantage could find exactly what they are looking for in ringless voicemail. Social, especially Instagram is heaving with these independent businesses and new chains. Few have time or the teams for traditional phone work. Email and online search are tough at best. Ringless voicemail on the other hand is a hot tool for making that human connection, or integrating AI, as well as for fostering longer subscriptions, upsells, referrals and keeping up engagement.

What business are you in? Let us know so we can highlight the potential uses or challenges of ringless for your industry.

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